Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome to Baynal Films - Reviewing Movies Through the Lens of Michael Bay's Crapulence

Welcome to Baynal Films, your non-stop riot against the worst movie director in human history, if not one of the worst human beings.

This site was formed in disgust over Michael Bay's putrefication and desecration of the once proud Transformers franchise that we all grew up and loved as kids and teenagers in the 80s. Both Transformers (2007) and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen have both disgraced and defiled everything we enjoyed from the old cartoon. We'll get more into the Transformers later.

Anyways, we have always felt disgust with Michael Bay's movies, with Pearl Harbor as the tipping point away from the semi-respectable "The Rock" and so-so, borderline sucky but still halfway decent "Armageddon".

But when Stephen Spielberg decided to ruin everything and hire Michael Bay as the director for Transformers in 2007, we thought we'd give it a shot. We thought with Spielberg as the executive producer, we'd see something special in 2007. But no. We were wrong. We were so, so wrong.

This site is dedicated to relentless mockery of Michael Bay and everything he stands for: horrific dialogue, bad acting, mindless explosions and blurry as shit action sequences where you can't keep track of what the hell you're looking at, completely overblown cinematography such as melodramatic slow motion, wide panning shots with sappy music in the background...

It is also dedicated to reviewing movies that are both fun as well as tell a good story with good acting and good writing (Dark Knight, Iron Man, JCVD, The Wrestler, etc.).

There will be plenty of fun things to do, lots of Michael Bay jokes, and movies to talk about.

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